June 7, 2020

Growing a cloud forest

The Native Flora we are growing

While 70% of the Nilgiris were native grasslands, 30% of land were shola forests. The forests are also known as ‘cloud’ forests, holding the ability to draw moisture from the mist, and retain cloud cover. Over 98 shola tree species have been identified in the Nilgiris. At Jade Shola, we are trying to recreate these rare ‘cloud forests.’ with help from our friends at Upstream Ecology. Please visit their site to find out more about Shola regeneration. We are growing a mix of Grasses, Shrubs and Trees. Here is the list of flora successfully growing in our Shola - all sourced from Upstream Ecology’s nurseries.


Scientific Name Common Name Description
Chrysopogon nodulibarbis Native Large Clump Tussock grass Large, ornamental, flowers during monsoon -in pink, helps conserve water and recharge ground water, helps hold the soil and arrest erosion
Andropogon polyptichus Native Medium Clump Tussock grass Medium size, very ornamental, helps conserve water and recharge ground water, helps hold the soil and arrest erosion


Scientific Name Common Name Description
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Hill Guava or Thavitu Pazham Flowers in the late part of the year to early part of the year. Also known as the rose myrtle tree. Very ornamental flowers, tasty fruits that are loved by shola birds
Viburnum erubescens Viburnum erubescens is a deciduous Shrub growing to 5 m. The fruit is edible
Crotilaria formosa Flowering native shrub. Attracts a lot of insects and bees. Very showy flowers and leaves
Kalanchoe grandiflora The native succulent. Flowers during the winter monthts
Strobilanthes cuspidata A Forest Kurinji. Showy leaves and flowers once in 5 years
Strobilanthes lanata Golden Kurinji Very ornamental large Kurinji shrub. Naturally bi-coloured leaves. Most beautiful of all the Kurinjis.
Osbeckia leschenaultii Native flowering shrub. Flowers during the winter and summer months. Flowers in pink


Scientific Name Common Name
Syzygium Grande
Turpinia Nepalense
Litsea Wightina
Neolitsea Wightiana
Actinodaphne Bourneae
Elaeocarpus Munronii Vikki Palam
Syzygium Calophyllifolium
Syzigium Densiflorum
Evodia_lunu Ankenda
Cinnamomum Wightii Biryani Leaf
Neolitsea Scrobiculata
Daphnyphyllum Neilgherense
Ilex Wightiana
Michelia Nilagirica
Celtis Tetrandra
Vernonia Arborea
Glochidion Neilgherense
Elaeocarpus Variabilis
Photinia Candoleanum
Ligustrum Perotettiana
Meliosma Simplicifolia
Syzygium Cumini
Prunus Eylanica